Tuesday, 20 July 2010

To reduce stress levels - I had decided not to make new drawings for the show, but to experiment with installation. My new drawings are developing a different character anyway, but I think this show will help to resolve them in some way. Paul was more open to the space and its dictates. I’m a bit of a worrier - I need answers and tried to have them all before I got there… Wot I didn’t tell you, is that I went all the way to Lakeside for trestles...

Yes thank you IKEA !

I chose – well not exactly - actually the bridge presented itself as the natural location for the animation. This rear projection territory was new to me. Because the projection was so small, I allowed myself to use the proper stuff Perspex vision – which usually costs around £300 for 2m x 3m sheets - obviously I didn’t spend that kinda money… Even though I had the proper stuff it wasn’t all plain sailing… There was still the hanging issue and the technical problem of ‘hot spots’ (this is when the projector creates a bright spot on the screen, which obscures the projected subject).

lets say I’ve still got some work to do, but in general I was pleased with the results…

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